AAEC Reopens

AAEC campuses will reopen campus student operations Monday, October 12th with student choice of remaining online or returning to the regular classroom under strict COVID-19 protocols. For more information parents and students should contact their local AAEC campus front office. The following are the COVID-19 protocols for AAEC campuses.

1.       Face Coverings - Required for all employees, students, and guest except when outside with adequate social distancing     

2.       Social Distancing -   Always maintain at least 6 ft. between others. Avoid hugs, high fives, handshakes, fist bumps. Etc.          

3.       Illness/COVID-19 - Stay home if you or someone you have had close contact with experience any symptoms of COVID-19 are waiting COVID-19 test results.

4.       Obligation to self-report if tested positive for COVID-19 - Employees who test positive for COVID-19 must notify their supervisor. Students who test positive for COVID-19 must notify their school office staff.  This is necessary to conduct contact tracing to prevent spreading of the disease on our campus    

5.       Cleaning and Sanitizing - In addition to our custodial staff cleaning, AAEC will equip each classroom with a free-standing hand sanitizing dispenser and disinfectant wipes.

6.       Personal Hygiene - Students, employees, and guests are required to follow CDC recommendations for safe hygiene:

a.       Frequently wash hands or use hand sanitizer

b.       Do not touch face, mouth, or eyes

c.       Practice sneeze/cough etiquette (use the crook of your elbow to cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze)

7.       Temperature Checks - AAEC will require daily temperature checks for employees, students, and visits prior to entering the campus. Any person that after being scanned has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher will be sent home.

8.       Wellness Check - AAEC students and employees are expected to conduct a daily wellness self-check PRIOR to coming onto campus